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How To Include Every Family Member On Your Xmas Cards

Family Member

Keeping in touch with family members can be challenging, especially during the hectic holiday season. That’s why sending Christmas cards with photo cards is an excellent way to remind family you care about them and keep them updated on your lives without stressing about it all year long. This is a time of year filled with traditions, rituals, and nuances that require a lot of planning. From selecting the perfect tree to writing thank-you notes after New Year’s Eve, there are many things to keep in mind when it comes to the holidays. It can be overwhelming, but knowing how to include every family member on your Xmas photo card will make things much easier this year and for years to come!

Check your calendar

First, note when you’re planning to send out your cards. Christmas cards are sent out in November and December, and New Year’s cards are generally sent out in late December or early January. Remember that the right time to send cards can vary depending on the family. If you have an aunt who is a professor who writes many papers on Shakespeare’s work, her family may prefer to stay away from the card-sending frenzy of New Year’s. If you’re not sure when to send your cards, ask the family member when they prefer to receive them.

Find photos from the last year

With every new Christmas, you should work to find new photos for your cards. Don’t rely on the same photos from the last year. You want to show your family members that there is a progression to your family’s story and that you care enough to put effort into your cards. If you’re looking for new photos, try to find photos you can use to highlight the different family members. You can include photos of your pets, childhood pictures, and photos of special events like birthdays or vacations.

Rotate family member photos

If you have a large family, assigning each family member to a specific year may be helpful. You can rotate photos of your family members yearly, and your cards will still be unique and special. This is a great way to keep your cards from feeling overwhelming. You’ll know exactly which year to feature which photos, and you won’t need to worry about the volume of photos you have to choose from.

Ask each family member to contribute one photo

If you have a large family, you’re going to want to narrow down your options for photos. If you have too many photos to choose from, you’ll spend all day trying to find the right photos. Instead of choosing a different photo yearly, you can ask each family member to contribute one photo to the card. This way, you’ll have plenty of photos to choose from, but you won’t have to worry about your cards being overly bulky and bulky.

Take the time to find the perfect card

The card you pick could dictate how your family members feel about the card. If you choose a corny and silly card, your family members may feel like the card is more of a joke than a reminder that you care about them. When picking out cards, it’s crucial to find tasteful cards and not cliché. You want your 2022 holiday cards to be memorable and unique, so take your time and find cards that reflect your family and their personalities.

Summing up

The holidays are a time of year when family members are spread out across the globe. There are endless ways to keep in touch with your loved ones, but cards are always a particular way to say, “We love you.” While sending cards is an excellent way to show your loved ones that you care, they can be easy to forget about when life gets busy. Make sure you set aside time to send out cards and include everyone in your family.

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