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How To Promote Your Android App/Game With These Helpful Tips?

Android App

Android App

Android phones are currently the most popular smartphone operating systems, accounting for more than half of all smartphones worldwide. As a result, making money by developing apps for Android phones is a sure bet. Even if people prefer free apps to premium apps in the Android app store, if your app has a feature that makes it more productive and appealing than competitors, it will sell.

The fact that Android developers are technologists rather than marketers is now the biggest issue with them. It is not easy to advertise an Android app and locate individuals who will talk about it.

As a result, I’m going to share some useful methods that you may use to generate interest in your current software. Always keep in mind that your app should be rock-solid and that word-of-mouth marketing is the most effective kind of marketing for any product.

App promotion advice for Android developers

App developers should always make a landing page for their app, in my opinion. Although your programme will be available on the app store, a bespoke landing page for your app is always a smart idea. This will not only help you market your business, but it will also help you acquire more Android app development work.

Take care of your page’s branding. Include a place for screenshots and videos to aid other writers and users in understanding your app. The My App theme from Elegant theme is great for a mobile app landing page, and developing such product landing pages on WordPress does not cost a lot of money.

1) Use Facebook advertisements to promote app installation.

Using paid channels such as Facebook advertisements is the greatest approach to gain a lot of instals. You may target consumers based on age, geography, mobile OS, and many other characteristics when advertising for apps on Facebook (both Android and iOS). You can also tailor your ad to a specific list if you have an email list.

2) Complete and improve your application

However, bear in mind that before you submit your Android app to the market, it must be completely functional and have a user-friendly layout. Never, ever, ever submit a half-completed application. Submitting an incomplete app will reduce your user ratings and will result in the cancellation of your plan. Also, it is commonly known that if people score your app favourably in the early stages, Google Play’s market algorithm will elevate it. One of the methods for increasing your download count is to do so in this manner.

3) Send your work to a variety of retailers.

Did you know you can submit your Android app to a variety of stores? The Google Play Store is the most popular, but there are many others worth checking out, including the Amazon App Store. I’ve compiled a list of some of the most popular app stores for you to submit your Android app to.

4) Develop a freemium application.

This has been shown to be the most effective method of obtaining premium app downloads. Free apps gain a following, and customers who enjoy them go on to purchase add-ons or the full version if they enjoy it. Alternatively, you could just release a free app with an ad and push a premium version with additional features. To grow your user base, you may provide your app for free for the first two weeks. You’ll be able to recoup your costs eventually. For the most part, and for most apps, this marketing and promotion strategy works.

5) Using reviews as a means of promotion

Unless you publicise your app, no one will be aware of it. As a result, marketing an Android app is just as crucial as developing one. From my personal experience, content and reviews are the best ways to sell your software. Paid reviews can be found on a few review sites. Depending on your budget, you might try a few sites like or if your target market is more specific to the Android market.

Other possibilities are:

6) Using free content as a marketing tool

Free exposure is available from some services. ProductHunt, for example. It’s a monthly app ranking community for startups. If your app idea receives enough votes, it may possibly be featured on the home page for a month. Because they accept programmes for Windows, iOS, Android, and Blackberry, the site is also a fantastic option if you have the same app for different operating systems.

If you’re looking for a quick bump in downloads, this is a good option.

7) Use YouTube to spread the word.

Produce a few YouTube videos demonstrating how the software can benefit or delight people. Make an educational video if possible. Additionally, include a link to the video in your pitch email to any bloggers who might be interested in reviewing your app. This will assist a blogger in better comprehending your product and writing better app evaluations.

In addition, your videos will almost always be embedded alongside a review piece, which will assist to raise awareness.

8) Purchase a stunning icon.

Have you ever downloaded an app that didn’t come with a graphical user interface? People download programmes in big numbers based on their icons, according to the app market. Crappy icons will push your programme to the bottom of the app store, indicating that it is incomplete or badly built. Make your icons more attractive and optimised.

9) Make use of the internet.

Social media has a lot of potential for good. Submit your software to social media marketing sites like Reddit, and if it’s good enough, you can see an increase in downloads. Remember to submit to Reddit as well.

10) A public announcement

I have very little knowledge of how to promote a press release. It might be quite advantageous if you are able to get into one of those PR organisations that send out newsletters to techies and bloggers about the latest Android apps.

11) Make your application known.

It’s always a good idea to keep a budget for advertising if you’ve established a paid app. Create a landing page for your app and market it on renowned Android specialised blogs with a banner. If money is tight, you can always use guest blogging to promote your app in a subtle way. You can reach out to bloggers and webmasters directly to buy adverts.

12) Make a Product Hunt submission

Producthunt is a social media platform where anyone can share interesting programmes and websites. After that, people vote on whether or not it should be implemented. You should submit your Android app to Producthunt if you have created something interesting. Because of the prominence of this platform, if you have a great app and it makes the homepage, you will not only get a lot of downloads, but you will also get attention everywhere.

As previously stated, it is the quality and usability of your software that will garner the most attention in the end. However, in order to reach a larger audience, we must also advertise our apps.

We hope that the information provided above assists you in reaching a larger audience and obtaining a large number of downloads.

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