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Royal Holiday Vacation Club Keeping Customers Safe

Royal Holiday Vacation Club Keeping Customers Safe

Royal Holiday Vacation Club is dedicated to keeping customers safe under their Safe Guest Program. The program was designed to meet international standards and follow rigid protocols to ensure guests have a great time in the safest environment possible even during the pandemic.

The company offers memorable experiences at world-class resorts. Royal Holiday Vacation Club has more than 30 years of experience in tourism, has over 100,000 members, and was awarded “2020 Travellers’ Choice” by Tripadvisor, among other accolades.

Traveling safely during the pandemic

Covid has changed the way people all around the world are living and traveling. The priority for vacations is now health and remaining safe while away. No one wants to risk catching Covid in a foreign country and possibly ending up in a hospital. Many tourism operators have changed the way they operate as a result.

Hotels are offering different levels of protection and hygiene and rules vary between countries and even states and regions within countries. For that reason, it’s particularly important to find resorts that have clear guidelines in place. That way all guests are aware of the rules to follow keeping themselves and others safe.

One company that has gone above and beyond standard safety measures is Royal Holiday Vacation Club. They have introduced a program called the Safe Guest Program which outlines the protocols for their resorts to follow surrounding hygiene and safety.

What is the Safe Guest Program?

The Safe Guest Program was designed to keep guests as safe as they would be at home during the pandemic. Health is at the forefront of everyone’s minds these days and a top priority for most. This program is proving popular with guests.

The program covers all situations from when a guest arrives at a resort to check out. The safety measures that Royal Holiday Vacation Club has implemented are backed and validated by third parties that the company collaborates with. Its success is largely based on the expert training that the staff receives.

They follow strict guidelines to ensure that everyone has the safest vacation possible, including the following areas of hygiene and safety within the resort complexes:

Social distancing

Guests will feel comfortable and enjoy the personal space afforded by having a social distancing rule of 5 ft applied in all situations. This includes beach and pool areas to ensure the utmost protection is offered to guests and staff alike.

Cleaning and personal hygiene

As well as social distancing, there is antibacterial gel located at sanitation stations throughout the resorts. The professional and friendly staff also thoroughly cleaned and disinfect the tables, menus, chairs, and cots after each use. All entertainment areas and activities are also disinfected.

Careful check-in

Checking-in is safe as possible because of the numerous protocols introduced. All of their facilities have disinfecting rugs for shoes and there is sanitizing gel available in reception. On arrival at a resort, guests have their temperature taken and complete a general health questionnaire as part of the updated check-in process.

The front desk area is also clean between each group of guests. Once check-in the bell boy will receive and disinfect guests’ luggage.

Express check out

Royal Holiday Vacation Club allows guests to check out conveniently and safely without the need to go to the reception. This is done by placing urns in reception where guests can deposit their room keys as they leave. The fewer touchpoints the safer an environment is for everyone, plus it’s also a much faster system so there are multiple benefits.

How do I become a member of the Royal Holiday Vacation Club?

Membership comes in various options with Royal Holiday Vacation Club. There are nine different pricing tiers that allow members to choose the category that is the best pick for them. Seasonal offers and promotions are also available to members, plus they benefit from travel agency services.

How do I get rid of Royal Holiday Club?

Canceling a membership with Royal Holiday Vacation Club isn’t recommended because this would mean losing out on all of the great benefits. There are great deals for world-class resorts via Royal Holiday Vacation Club, saving money and allowing vacation-goers to experience the best facilities in the safest possible environment.

What are the main advantages of keeping the membership?

Royal Holiday Vacation Club has over 180 destinations to choose from across 52 countries so members have plenty of choices. This means that they can vary their style of holiday each year and pick a new and exciting adventure each time. Since members have their vacation fee frozen while they are active members, this saves a lot of money over the years too.

Obviously, another key advantage of the membership is the Safe Guest Program. Knowing that there are clear guidelines to follow around health and hygiene is imperative during the pandemic. Without this security, many people just don’t feel safe traveling. Staying at health-conscious resorts means guests can feel as safe as they would in their own homes.

Tourism operators everywhere would be wise to implement similar programs because the virus is not going to disappear. Putting some simple but effective rules in place, these companies would be better off in the long run and be able to attract more clients and keep guests and staff safe at the same time.

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