
5 Best Sports to do Outdoors 

3 Mins read

It’s never too early to plan your next adventure. That’s why we have some great ideas on how to get yourself outdoors and start enjoying the benefits of being surrounded by nature. There are so many things that the natural world can do for you, such as reducing stress levels and allowing you the time to breathe. Being in nature and especially near a body of water improves your immune system and does wonder for your mental health.

If you live in a built-up area with high levels of pollution, your respiratory health could probably use some work. Buy yourself a kayak for easy-to-access outdoor sports, and you’d be surprised how much better you feel afterward. These are our top 5 sports to do outdoors that you can try. 


If you have a bike, a great and affordable way to reconnect with nature and switch your brain off for a while is to go for a bike ride. You could ask someone you know if you can borrow their bike for the day and see where you end up or bring a friend and head to your favorite track around the lake. You can take your bike off trails and even bring it camping. Added benefits to cycling include improved balance and coordination, cardiovascular fitness, and it’s free once you have a bike. 


Kayaking is a firm favorite of so many because it’s easy to get to grips with and affordable. It is an aerobic exercise that works on flexibility and strength. A great thing about kayaking is that it is completely customizable. You can make it as strenuous or light as you want, making it accessible to all ages. Here are some great places to try kayaking: 

  • Chesapeake Bay 
  • Colarado River
  • Tampa Bay 
  • Prince William Sound

If you feel particularly adventurous, you could even try bringing a telescopic fishing pole and kayak to a good fishing spot. For more information, click here for kayak advice

Wild Swimming

Something that is on the rise around the globe is wild swimming. You could try finding somewhere local to you on a warm day and go for a dip. An even more invigorating experience is wild swimming on a brisk day. Head to the nearest lake when it’s chilly and not only will you have the place to yourself, but you will feel energized and refreshed. Be sure to check whether places are open to the public and make sure you dry yourself thoroughly to avoid catching a chill. 


Something that is affordable and completely customizable is hiking. You can go alone or with a friend, all you need is a good pair of boots or sneakers during drier months. Research local routes and pack extra layers and plenty of water. Be sure to take in the natural surroundings and take the time to take some deep breaths to really connect to the environment. This is the most straightforward option that needs the least amount of preparation and equipment. Make sure you start off small and build yourself up to bigger routes. 


If you have experience fishing or know someone who is willing to show you the ropes, you could try fishing. This is a great way to explore the local wildlife and a valuable skill to practice. Make sure you research local places where fishing is permitted and pay any fees if needed. Fishing can be as physically demanding as you make it, if you want more of a challenge you can paddle out to a good spot. Alternatively, you can stay by the shore and crack open a beer if that’s more your style. 

Of course, as with any outdoor sport, the weather plays a big role, and it’s important to remember to research beforehand what the latest predictions are, including the chance of rain and wind directions. Hopefully, by now you’ve had some inspiration on how to make the most of the outdoors, and you’re planning your next adventure or camping trip. The natural world is fascinating and everyone could benefit from making regular time to appreciate it.

Make sure that you always clean up after yourself and do not leave any trash behind. A great idea is to pack a garbage bag in your backpack so that you remember to clean up after yourself. Make sure to check out the best affordable kayaks and make the most out of local resources like lakes and rivers. Always research land permissions beforehand and check what you might need, including parking permits. 

555 posts

About author
Tabrez Ahemad is a senior editor of The Adventure Trip Magazine. He writes about business finance travel etc. You can reach them via social media and email at
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