
Bail Bond Rules: What You Need to Know

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What is a Bail Bond?

Simply put, the bail bond is the amount of money a person pays to have a defendant released from jail. This amount is decided within 48 hours of an arrest. When you register bail, the defendant is released, but with conditions attached to their release. 

Jail is not a good place to spend your time, and many people use bail to get out, especially if they feel they have been wrongfully arrested.

What You Need to Know About Bail Bond Rules

Every court or judge is usually willing to set bail, which is typically dependent on the nature of the crime that has been committed. A defendant should adhere to all the bail bond rules set by the court. 

Here are the standard bail rules you should know:

1. Obey the Law While on Bond

One significant bond rule is that you need to obey all laws when you secure release on bail. You should try your best to be a model citizen and not give law enforcement any reason to arrest you. 

Stay clear from drugs or alcohol as the court can, at its discretion, conduct a random drug test while you are on bail. This happens especially if you were arrested on charges involving DUI or DWI. Besides, you have to be tested for drugs before trial.

2. Pre-Trial Check-In Adherence

Just like parolees or people on probation check-in with their officers, when you are released on bail. You need to report to the pretrial service officers regularly. These officers’ work is to ensure that you are complying with bond conditions set by the court.

3. Don’t Possess Any Weapon

You are required to stay away from weapons, even when the arrest charges did not involve the handling of firearms. Weapons could be things such as firearms, blunt, objects, knives, bladed weapons, etc.

4. No Contact Orders

If your charges involve domestic violence, stalking, making criminal threats, or such crimes, the court usually gives no-contact orders. You will be required to keep away from the alleged victim or victims physically or by making contact of any kind.

5. Seek or Maintain Employment

Courts can sometimes set conditions that require you to keep your job during your bail period. If you don’t have a job yet, you may be required to find work or at least actively attempt to find work. Finding work can show the court that you are doing your best to become a valuable and stable member of society. Besides, your employer may become your character witness in court, so observing this condition is for your benefit.

6. Travel Restrictions

When you are out on bail, you are typically not allowed to leave your local area unless the pre-trial officers or the court allows it. 

It’s in your best interests to follow the bail bond rules set by the court to avoid adverse consequences that may follow, including an increase in the bail amount, bail revocation, additional restrictions, being held in contempt of court, and re-arrest until the time of your trial.

Obeying Bail Bond Rules

Above all things, ensure you appear in court whenever required. If you fail to appear in court on the set dates, the court will hold you in contempt and warrant an arrest issued against you. However, your bond agent will likely work with you to ensure that you meet the conditions set for your bail.

If you break the bond rules or break the law and re-arrested during your time out of bond, the court may become harsher on you. While in custody, you’ll terminate all liability and surrender your bond. When you surrender the bond, you’ll lose the premium, and you’ll need to post bail again if you are given another bond. 

Read more: Personal Injury Claim

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About author
Tabrez Ahemad is a senior editor of The Adventure Trip Magazine. He writes about business finance travel etc. You can reach them via social media and email at
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