
Trends Influencing Adoption of DevSecOps     

3 Mins read

Maintaining data security and integrity has become the most significant challenge many organizations face. The DevSecOps definition refers to a cultural shift in how organizations develop, deploy, and operate the software for those new to the term.

The shift integrates security into all stages, especially the earlier stages, of the software development lifecycle (SDLC) and production cycle.

DevSecOps has emerged as an essential movement that proactively aims to improve security-related tasks throughout the application development process.

DevOps has been trending for over a decade, and DevSecOps is quickly gaining traction as the next step in the evolution of this methodology.

So, what trends will be most influential in driving the adoption of DevSecOps in 2022?

The Continued Rise of DevOps

DevOps has been around in the data security world, and it’s still growing in popularity.

The methodology is now being used by over 60 percent of organizations, up from just 10 percent in 2012. And this number is only going to continue to grow in the coming years.

One of the primary reasons for DevOps’ continued success is that it delivers real business value. For example, a recent study found that DevOps-enabled organizations can deploy software up to 30 times faster than their non-DevOps counterparts. They can also achieve up to 50 percent higher throughput and 90 percent lower change failure rates.

This business value is one of the biggest reasons DevOps is becoming the de facto software development standard. So, it should not be surprising that organizations are adopting more advanced DevOps practices like DevSecOps to achieve even greater success.

The Need for Improved Security

As software becomes increasingly entwined with personal lives, governments, and businesses, the potential impact of a cyberattack continues to grow. Consequently, the global expenditure on cybercrime is expected to reach $6 trillion by 2021.

Moreover, with such a significant potential impact, it’s no wonder that organizations are increasingly looking to adopt DevSecOps practices to improve their security posture. After all, DevOps can help organizations identify and fix security vulnerabilities much earlier in the development process before being exploited by attackers.

The Emergence of Microservices

As organizations move toward a more cloud-based and microservices-based architecture, the need for DevSecOps becomes even more critical.

Organizations can break down their applications into smaller, more manageable parts with microservices. This architecture can be highly beneficial in agility, scalability, and manageability.

However, this increased complexity also brings significant security challenges. Microservices are much more difficult to protect because they are typically smaller, making them easier for attackers.

Fortunately, according to DevSecOps’ definition, it can help address these challenges by helping teams identify and fix vulnerabilities earlier in the development process.

The Growth of Containerization

Containerization is another major trend that is influencing the adoption of DevSecOps. With container technology, organizations can package their applications and services into containers that can be run anywhere.

Portability and flexibility are significant advantages for organizations, and it’s one of the reasons why container technology is quickly gaining traction. Container use has grown by nearly 600 percent in just a few years.

And containerization isn’t going away any time soon. It is again driving the need for enhanced security, which is why DevOps teams are increasingly turning to DevSecOps practices like automated security testing to ensure their containers are secure enough for production.

The Need for Better Continuous Delivery Processes

Continuous delivery (CD) is another software development methodology that has become more and more popular over the years, partially due to the success of DevOps.

CD aims to eliminate the risk of lengthy software deployments by allowing teams to release features continuously as they are complete.

The automation of CD processes also allows organizations to create higher quality, more stable applications that can be deploy up-to-date with minimal downtime or interference.

One interesting fact about CD is that it encourages implementing DevOps practices like automated security testing and continuous monitoring. After all, if teams want to release features continuously, they need to be confident that their applications are stable and secure.

The Emergence of Robust Security Platforms

As organizations struggle to deliver the demands of DevOps and new technologies like microservices, containers and CD come into play. It’s more important than ever that they have a secure platform to help them address their unique challenges.

The reality is, many of today’s existing vulnerability scanners don’t work well with CD and cloud-based environments. They’re often too slow. Can’t keep up with the pace of change in modern applications. And can be challenging to use in complex architectures.

Here is where a security platform can help. By providing organizations with the tools. They can identify and fix vulnerabilities and manage security in a cloud or microservices environment effectively. Security platforms can help teams embrace DevOps and improve their application security.

All of these trends are contributing to the increasing adoption of DevSecOps practices.

As the world becomes increasingly digitized. It’s more important than ever that organizations have the tools they need to secure their applications and data. With DevSecOps, they can do just that.

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About author
Tabrez Ahemad is a senior editor of The Adventure Trip Magazine. He writes about business finance travel etc. You can reach them via social media and email at
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