
Fixed (pii_email_a5e6d5396b5a104efdde) error code

4 Mins read

(pii_email_a5e6d5396b5a104efdde) Microsoft Outlook error is a common application that users utilize regularly to send and receive emails. Other than emails, it also performs other multifunction. Thus, it is a huge piece of communication in user’s everyday life. They do utilize the Microsoft Outlook application to manage or get messages from the bases we interface it. 

At times things march fine and once in a while get issues like the one we are dealing with here. Microsoft Outlook application likewise has bunches of issues or blunders. At the point when we face a few troubles, we make an honest effort to fix them because there is additionally a response to all glitches. This MS Outlook flaw is additionally one of those missteps, and we will see this to settle the error code by utilizing a step-by-step guide. 

Introduction: what is an error code?

At any point in time a user sees this error code, it implies that their MS Outlook doesn’t work effectively. Anyway, how would you be able to deal with get Microsoft Outlook to work effectively? Here are some basic guidelines to address this error code: 

What is Error Code? Here are a few plans that are probably going to settle the user’s Microsoft Outlook Error. 

Reson behind (pii_email_a5e6d5396b5a104efdde) Microsoft Outlook Error 

The probable subtleties behind this code blunder in Microsoft Outlook are underneath: 

  • At the point when you use MS viewpoint with various standpoint accounts, it makes MS viewpoint to breakdown as cause this Error. 
  • Store records in the Microsoft application may cause this error. 
  • Utilizing programming of MS viewpoint may cause this bug though this blunder is less found in the web utilization of Microsoft Outlook. 
  • This mistake can be caused because of a messed-up application record. Attempt to utilize an effective and official form of Outlook. 
  • Here and there the error code is because of a broken variant of viewpoint. Wrong record reconciliation can cause this Outlook error code. 

Whether you face this blunder without the reasons above, you should contact Microsoft to help solve this Error. 

Basic solutions for (pii_email_a5e6d5396b5a104efdde) Error 

Since this Microsoft Outlook Error code is recognizable, there are various alternatives to settle this Outlook mistake. Additionally, we’ll show you 6 strategies to fix this mistake. 

How to solve the error code?

  • Technique 1: Disable Your Antivirus Program to solve (pii_email_a5e6d5396b5a104efdde) 

Antivirus programs are known to reason issues every once in a while. For this situation, it very well might be preventing Microsoft Outlook from interfacing with customer email. You may have to impair it to tackle this blunder, yet remember to walk out on it. 

  1. Open the Control Panel. 
  2. Go to Update and Security. 
  3. Go to Windows Security. 
  4. Select Virus and Threat Protection. 
  5. Snap-on Manage Settings. 
  6. Figure out Real-time Protection and handicap it. 
  • Technique 2: Check Your Viewpoint Settings to Fix (pii_email_a5e6d5396b5a104efdde) Error 

As this error code results from an off-base establishment arrangement of viewpoint application, one of the principal spaces you should investigate for settling this error code is your Outlook settings. 

  • Dispatch Outlook. 
  • Open the Tools menu and snap Accounts. 
  • On the off chance that you have various Microsoft Outlook accounts, select the one showing this error code, and select Properties. 
  • Impression on the off chance that it is set according to the email worker by checking its ID. 
  • Snap or snap More Settings, select the Outgoing Server tab, and guarantee that the Outgoing Server Authentication is on. 
  • In the Advanced tab, make certain that SMTP and POP settings are equivalent to the email facilitating supplier. 
  • Save settings by clicking Ok. 
  • Technique 3: Check for Replacement Accounts to Solve (pii_email_a5e6d5396b5a104efdde) 

You may have a copy Microsoft Outlook account that is causing this error code. So you’ll have to discover copy records and eliminate them. 

  • Dispatch Outlook. 
  • Go to Account Configuration. 
  • Open the Mailing tab. 
  • Gaze at the rundown of your messages and find copy accounts when you have any. 
  • Erase copy accounts by tapping on Eliminate. 
  • Technique 4: Reinstall and Uninstall the App to Fix (pii_email_a5e6d5396b5a104efdde) 

When none of the previous techniques attempts to fix the Microsoft blunder code, you may get blessed assuming you uninstall and, reinstall Outlook. Now, the user knows how to fix it. 

  1. Open the Control Panel. 
  2. Go to Programs and Features. 
  3. Select MS Office or Outlook from the rundown and snap Uninstall. 
  4. It will open another window. Simply adhere to the directions to uninstall the Microsoft viewpoint application. 
  5. At the point when you’ve uninstalled the Viewpoint application, reinstall Microsoft Office and Outlook. 
  • Technique 5: Fix (pii_email_a5e6d5396b5a104efdde) With Windows Repair Tool 

Windows has a fundamental report apparatus that you can use to analyze and fix most blunders and bugs with Microsoft applications and projects. Counting the error code in Outlook. 

  1. Open the Control Panel. 
  2. Select Programs and properties. 
  3. Discover MS Outlook in the rundown of projects. 
  4. Snap Edit and afterward Repair. 
  5. Pursue the Wizard in the following window to encase the maintenance device consequently fix the Error. 
  • Technique 6: Change the Server Port Number to Resolve (pii_email_a5e6d5396b5a104efdde) 

You could fix this Error code by consequently changing the worker port number, so how about we attempt this strategy also. 

  1. Open Microsoft Outlook application. 
  2. Go to File additionally Account in the Settings. 
  3. Select the email that is causing issues. 
  4. Clatter Extra Settings in the email window and afterward interface on Internet Email Settings. 
  5. Go to the advanced tab and alter the SMTP port number from 465 to 587. 
  6. Save settings by clicking Ok. 


There are a total of introduced 6 techniques that can assist you with settling the Microsoft Outlook application blunder code issue. These ways to tackle Microsoft error codes are defenseless.

And also powerful in getting the issue free from error code (pii_email_a5e6d5396b5a104efdde) from your Outlook framework. Whether the issue proceeds even in the wake of taking these precautionary measures, or you aren’t able to do it yourself, contact a Microsoft delegate to settle the error code. 

555 posts

About author
Tabrez Ahemad is a senior editor of The Adventure Trip Magazine. He writes about business finance travel etc. You can reach them via social media and email at
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