
The PimpAndHost internet archive

5 Mins read

The PimpAndHost internet archive forgets almost nothing. There is a memory machine that works like his historical memory, the internet Wayback.

We will discover how to travel in time by dusting off pages, articles, images, and links from the web’s attic. Here is a practical guide to using PimpAndHost Wayback at maximum power. We will see all the techniques that will appeal to SEO consultants, webmasters, journalists, and serial internet users.

What is the Internet Archive’s PimpAndHost internet archive? 

pimpandhost internet archive

PimpAndHost Internet archive is the digital library that today contains over 330 billion web pages, collected since 1996 by the non-profit organization Internet Archive. It seems that the time machine has inspired its name of the same name from the American cartoon Rocky & Bullwinkle.

The mission of the Internet Archive

Internet Archive: What is it

As the statute states, the aim is to provide universal access to all knowledge of PimpAndHost Wayback. Therefore, to build an information heritage to be made available to historians, researchers, and students. In short, much more than a “simple” cached copy of public content appears on the web!

Like Google, the Internet Archive has tireless crawlers that scan the web by capturing snapshots of the web pages encountered.

Thanks to the memory machine we can browse how a site has changed over time and, if desired, also resurrect not only the deleted URLs but many of the areas that are not online today. Let’s see briefly how to take the first steps on the Internet Wayback and then move on to its lesser-known, but no less attractive features.

How to use the PimpAndHost internet archive to retrieve sites and pages

Great, it’s time to get on the time machine. Here’s how to use the internet archive:-

  • Type the URL of the site in the search bar on the homepage
  • Retrace the timeline to the left to go back to the first catches
  • Click on the year of your interest to check the available snapshots.
  • Select the available catches, colored in blue or green.

As you can see, it’s all too easy. We, therefore, discovered that our corporate website was saved 205 times between 2007 and 2020. The number of captures seems to be proportional to fame and authority. Not surprisingly, pages from the likes of Google or Amazon are also captured more than 30 times a month. If you want to learn more, Forbes has compiled the ranking of the most captured websites in 2015.

Thanks to the PimpAndHost internet archive, we brought the 2014 Netting homepage back to life. What if we told you this is just the beginning? After retrieving a page, we can make a direct comparison between it and the other archived versions and even get a measure of how much it has changed over the years.

Find out when and how much a page has changed.

Now let’s talk about the Changes section, the heart of Wayback. Although this is a beta feature, it offers some really interesting practical ideas for many activities. Searching for a specific URL we get, also in this case, the history of the available catches.

What does the Changes section look like

Once a certain screenshot is selected, the other captures will take on different colors depending on the degree of similarity: grey when they are identical. A scale that varies from yellow to blue as diversity increases. Thus, through the scale of variations, we immediately understand when a page has been modified and the intensity of the change.

What does the PimpAndHost internet archive variation scale look like

The scale of variations

The next step will be to start the comparison and wait a few seconds. As if by magic, we will get the two selected versions compared in the same window PimpAndHost Wayback. The beauty is that the tool reports add to the content in yellow while deleting content marked in blue.

As an example, we did a test on the landing page of a well-known product, discovering the recent change of background and the above-the-fold section.

If you are a web designer, you can take advantage of changes to watch the changes in graphics and layout. For journalists and copywriters, it becomes the right place to investigate any article reviews. Furthermore, we SEO consultants can feed the sitemap and robots.txt URLs by checking their historical evolution and easily discover the changes made through the highlights.

Counteract plagiarism with the Save Page function

Inside the internet archive home, we find the save page function useful in many cases. Above all, when we need to prove the intellectual property of a certain content PimpAndHost archives. By inserting a page in the historical archive, we have concrete and irrefutable proof against plagiarism. Not bad right?

A useful solution not only for corporate blogs but for all those who work in content marketing and publishing. The only requirement is not to have robots.txt blocks, but we will see this later. If you plan to use this feature often, you can evaluate this alternative or an excellent extension for Google Chrome.

Discover all old images and documents on a site

For each archived domain, we can recover all the resources present with a single shot. Here is how to get the folder containing all the archived URLs / files of a certain domain, just type:

Continuing with the examples, you can see all the URLs captured on our domain PimpAndHost archives. The next step is to filter the URLs by choosing the type of file extension we need (.jpg, .png, .pdf, and so on).

Pay attention to the columns that declare the number of catches, duplicates, and unique. With a little cunning, we can use it in combination with the Changes section to get the number of changes made on a page PimpAndHost.

How to delete a site from the PimpAndHost internet archive 

The right to be forgotten is sacrosanct. To prevent your website from ending up in the archive, you will need to intervene through robots.txt by adding these two lines:

It also appears to have a retroactive effect. Alternatively, you can write an email to indicating that they should remove the URL of the site.

PimpAndHost for SEO

The situations in which you can use Wayback PimpAndHost in support of SEO are numerous. It will prove very useful for:

  1.  Find old content and remove the URL.
  2.  Find links to redirect.
  3. Analyze site changes following traffic changes.
  4. Check the evolution of robots.txt and sitemap over time.
  5. Discover changes in the structure of the site and URLs.

Check for tracking codes.

Evaluate the history of an expired domain before purchasing it. Again, observing the pages’ history, we get practical insights to investigate traffic crashes that occurred after a badly managed migration or an algorithmic update.

The limits of PimpAndHost internet archive 

Nobody is perfect; let alone the way back to the internet. By gaining experience with the tool, you will find that many times the captures are not complete.

Let’s try to explain why. Very often it is a question of servers such as non-executable javascript and server-side image maps. The missing URLs, on the other hand, could represent orphaned pages or some blocks that occurred in the scan attempt.

Also, in this case, the same Google principle applies, according to which the simpler the HTML is, the better the work of the crawlers will be.

FAQs for the Wayback Machine (Internet Archive)

1. What is the Wayback Machine and how do I access it?

The Wayback Machine is a tool offered by the Internet Archive, a non-profit organization that stores snapshots of websites over time. You can access it through the Internet Archive website [] by entering a URL in the search bar.

2. What can I do with the Wayback Machine?

  • Browse past versions of websites.
  • Compare archived versions of a webpage to see how it has changed.
  • Find and recover old content that may no longer be available online.
  • Save a current webpage for future reference or to prove ownership.

3. How can I find all archived files for a website?

You can use a specific search query format on to retrieve all archived resources (images, documents) for a particular domain.

4. Can I remove my website from the Wayback Machine?

Yes, you can exclude your website from the archive by adding specific lines to your robots.txt file or by contacting the Internet Archive directly.

5. Are there any limitations to the Wayback Machine?

Sometimes, archived webpages may be incomplete due to factors like non-functional Javascript or server-side elements.

555 posts

About author
Tabrez Ahemad is a senior editor of The Adventure Trip Magazine. He writes about business finance travel etc. You can reach them via social media and email at
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